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          2. 廣東康明節能空調經營冷卻塔風機,冷卻塔電機,冷卻塔減速器,冷卻塔填料等配件廠家價格,型號規格齊全,價格優惠。 冷卻塔風機 聯系我們





            當前位置: 網站首頁 > 冷卻塔百科 > 常見問題


            所屬欄目:【常見問題】 作者:冷卻塔風機廠家 時間:2022-08-26 閱讀數:



              以圓形逆流式冷卻塔的工作過程:熱水自主機房通過水泵以一定的壓力經過管道、橫喉、曲喉、 The central larynx will be circulated to the water broadcasting system of the cooling tower, and the water is evenly sprinkled on the filler through the small holes in the water pipe; Inside the tower, the water film and the air were formed when the hot water flowed through the surface of the filler. The hot air with high humidity values ??was pulled out of the top, the cooling water dripped into the basin, and the water pipe flowed into the host.

            Under normal circumstances, the air entering the tower, the air with a dry and low -wet ball temperature, the concentration difference between the water molecule and the dynamic pressure difference between the water and the air. Under the action of internal static pressure, the water molecules are constantly evaporated into the air and become water vapor molecules. The average kinetic energy of the remaining water molecules will decrease, thereby decreased the temperature of the circulating water.

            From the above analysis, it can be seen that evaporation and cooling are lower than the temperature of the air (usually the dry ball temperature) lower than or higher than the water temperature. As long as the water molecules can continue to evaporate the air, the water temperature will be reduce. However, the evaporation of water in the air will not continue. When the air in contact with water is unsaturated, the water molecules are constantly evaporating into the air, but when the air on the surface of the water and gas reaches saturation, the water molecules cannot evaporate, but in a state of dynamic balance. The number of water molecules evaporated is equal to the number of water molecules returned from the air to the water, and the water temperature remains unchanged. It can be seen that the more dry the air in contact with water, the easier it is to evaporate, and the water temperature is easy to decrease.



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